Hey! I am back on the blog today to share with you my weekly favorites! Let's get to it!

1. WARBY PARKER - I recently did a post recapping my experience with Warby Parker. I was incredibly pleased with their services and their great selection of eyewear. Be sure to check out my post and their website to get the full story on why you need to get your eyewear from WP. 

2. KAYLA ITSINES "BBG" - Do you use Kayla Itsines' BBG or Sweat App? I follow her on Instagram and I think that she is so cute and positive - I love it! When I workout I do it at home and I follow YouTube video workouts (I find this is the cheapest/best option for me). She has some YouTube videos, but to get the whole experience, it is recommended that you buy the membership with her app. I am thinking about doing so because it might push me to workout more! Let me know in the comments if you use her services. 

3. LADY GANG PODCAST - If you've been following along you may know that I love podcasts. The "Lady Gang" is a podcast series that I've been listening to almost every day for the past few weeks. Becca Tobin, who was Kitty, the mean cheerleader in the final seasons of Glee, is one of the hosts. The three hosts are hilarious! Check them out through Spotify or Apple's podcasts. 

4. PACKING CUBES - I've been eyeing these super cute packing cubes from Nordstrom. I think they would be super helpful, as my suitcase can be a nightmare during my travels. A NIGHTMARE. haha. 

5. THE CANON G7X - I am very interested in recording more of my travels on a video camera (maybe even post it to YouTube later)! All of the research I have conducted has to lead me to believe that the Canon Powershot G7X Mark II is the best video/vlogging camera in the market. I may have to splurge and purchase one myself!

6. APOLIS BAGS - I AM OBSESSED WITH THESE BAGS. They are so fashionable and eco-friendly - what is better than that?! The best part is, you can select the color of the bag you want and what you want the bag to say. I have been on Pinterest a lot lately trying to think of what I would put on the bag. I am still not sure though. This is definitely the perfect gift for a girlfriend! 

7. THE QUOTE - This week's quote is inspired by my nineteen-year-old tendency to doubt myself, which I absolutely despise. Staying positive is something I have REALLY been working at, but it can be difficult considering my anxiety tends to fill my head with doubt. I try to stay positive by surrounding myself with positive people and really focus on positive thoughts. What do you do to stay positive? Let me know in the comments!

Until Next Time,

