Hi everyone! I hope you are having a lovely new year. I am writing to you from sunny San Diego! 

Point Loma Lighthouse, San Diego, California.

My mother and I arrived in San Diego on Thursday night, around two in the morning (eastern standard time), so it was an incredibly long day for me. 

I am so happy to be here as it is the first time I am seeing my sister in her new home. If you recall, she moved to San Diego earlier this year after she graduated from the Naval Academy. We are fortunate enough to be staying with her at her apartment and it is so lovely!

Here's a recap of the first day of my first trip of the new year!

Day One 

I woke up incredibly early, thanks to jet lag. It was probably around six-thirty (pacific time). My mom and I took our time getting ready. I made avocado toast and an egg to kick off the trip.

Unfortunately, Anna couldn't accompany us on an adventure until one in the afternoon. She had to work a half-day. That being said, she left us recommendations for things to do. 

We took her recommendation and headed to the Point Loma Lighthouse and Cemetary. We were impressed, to say the least.  

The view of the Pacific Ocean was stunning. It blew my mind (and continues to) that the nearest land from this point would be Hawaii. The world is so much bigger than what we may believe!

The Cemetary reminded me so much of Arlington National Cemetery. It was beautiful. 

Not long after noon, we reunited with my sister. She immediately suggested that we go to her favorite coffee shop, Better Buzz Coffee, and then grab acai bowls. As you may recall, I am not a coffee fan, but I enjoyed an iced tea and was filled with excitement for the acai bowls. The acai bowl did not disappoint. The fruit was so fresh. It was incredible. 

The entire day I was in awe of the beautiful blue skies. I couldn't believe this was the norm for people in the month of JANUARY. Could a sight be more beautiful? I am also quite obsessed with palm trees. My mind will always associate them with relaxation and vacation. 

My sister, mother, sister's boyfriend, and I visited Coronado Beach to view the sunset. It was absolutely breathtaking. 

We ended the night with California Burritos at Mike's Tacos. This picture was meant for me to show Bryson just how big the taco was in comparison to my head. If you aren't familiar with a California Burrito, it is a pretty standard burrito other than the fact that it has french fries in it! It was delicious. 

I hope you enjoyed this recap of my first day. There is more to come! 

Until Next Time,



  1. Your trip sounds like you are having an amazing time! (although the two in the morning thing sounds a little rough lol) Can't wait to see how the rest of the trip goes!
    Xo, Kelsey


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